Discover From greenhouse to plate.
Grow easily your fruit and vegetables at home.

What if we grew our food differently?



For balconies and gardens
starting from €2,942




For rooftops and gardens
starting from €7,375

Get started, we support you daily

You want to enjoy delicious fresh vegetables and fruit according to the seasons?

A turnkey greenhouse that evolves with your skills and needs

Agronomists and a community of active users guide you every day

Sustainable techniques combined with connected sensors to optimize your harvests

Allows for 1 to 2 weeks of absence; the greenhouse keeps growing your food

90% water savings compared to to a traditional vegetable garden (thanks to a closed circuit).

80% autonomy in fruit and vegetables all year with less than 2 hours of maintenance per week.

Want to learn more?

Receive a tailored quotation

With myfood, you are never alone Bonds are forged between amateur growers and agronomists are at your service.

More than 1100 Pioneers Listen their stories

Olivier C.

“We were quite happy during the lockdown period to have fruit without going outside”.

Aurélia J.

“Unlike organic baskets, the idea is to have the choice and produce what you like”

Yannick H.

“Thanks to the greenhouse, it is possible to harvest just enough for the meal”

We deliver and install throughout Europe and beyond 🌍

We are convinced that everyone should be able to produce their own food locally.

Reconnect with your food

Beget a global transformation.

We want to provide humanity with solutions to produce healthy, sustainable and ultra-fresh food.

Animate a active community.

We want to unify the efforts of the actors of change to create a resilient and sustainable future without unnecessary CO2 emissions or pesticides harmful to biodiversity.

Feed the good common.

We are committed to sharing our knowledge in order to achieve together a real ecological and social transition.

Reconnect with your Food.We believe that sustainable food production and security can be achieved in every backyard.

Combine ancestral techniques inspired by permaculture.
Create an innovative symbiosis that connects the plant and aquatic world.

Our ambition?

  • Bring more transparency to the food industry.
  • Fight against the waste of energies and resources.
  • Help everyone to produce a healthy, diverse and ultra-fresh food at home.

An urban vegetable garden with a minimum of constraints.
An smart aquaponic greenhouse managed remotely.
An active and responsive community that supports you throughout the experience.
Agronomists specializing in urban agriculture at your service.

We have studied everything to ensure your success.