

Le Figaro

With an area of 22m2 "this greenhouse can feed a family of 4 people, adds Urban. It produces up to 50 kilos of fish and 350 to 500 kilos of plants a year depending on the varieties. Thus on these famous vertical towers can grow zucchini, salads, cabbages, radishes, aubergines or strawberries ... "Restorers even […]

Les Echos

Myfood prepares the industrialization of its connected greenhouses The Alsatian start-up Myfood wants to develop the production of connected greenhouses to satisfy a growing demand in Europe.


It is a young shoot in the true sense of the term, born in 2015 in the soil of urban agriculture and permaculture.

L’Express L’Expansion

Cultivating organic food at home in sufficient quantity to feed an entire family is Myfood's challenge, which has developed a smart greenhouse.

Paris Match

Invented by three young French people, the connected greenhouse Myfood depote. By combining permaculture and aquaponics, she feeds a family of four without lifting a finger, or almost!

Traces Ecrites

Created in 2016, the Myfood start-up, which has been set up for a few months in Molsheim, near Strasbourg, offers connected greenhouses combining permaculture and aquaponics techniques. The company that has already sold its greenhouses in seven European countries in the form of prototypes will spend this year on the industrialization and commercialization of its […]


Cette serre connectée peut fournir des fruits et légumes à une famille de 4 personnes pendant un an. Développé par myfood, une startup basée en Alsace, le concept a déjà convaincu 70 personnes dans sept pays d'Europe.


Feed four people a year ... spending less than an hour a week. This is what the start-up Myfood promises, combining permaculture and aquaponics.
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