MyFood has developed a smart greenhouse. An innovation that goes in the direction of food autonomy. We talk about it with Johan Nazaraly, co-founder of MyFood.
Created in 2016, the Myfood start-up, which has been set up for a few months in Molsheim, near Strasbourg, offers connected greenhouses combining permaculture and aquaponics techniques.
In line with the magazine "We Demain", this series of documentaries invites viewers to decipher our changing world and to explore the realm of possibilities, while placing the human being at the heart of its reflection, taking the time to breathe, slow down and share. Topics covered are school, city, mobility, work and the health […]
Un 30 minutes qui fait rêver, tout en amenant de profondes réflexions sur l'agriculture actuelle. Un documentaire qui nous fait prendre conscience de l'importance de se reconnecter non seulement à notre alimentation, mais aussi à la nature, à la communauté et aux valeurs essentielles.
"We work vertically, without soil, putting fish and vegetables to produce large quantities of vegetables all year round," says Myfood's Mickaël Gandecki.
In Gertwiller, a start-up develops the principle of aquaponics: in a connected greenhouse, plants suspended above the water basin feed on fertilizer with fish droppings.